Sechindra Vallury

Sechindra Vallury

Assistant Professor of Environmental Policy

University of Georgia

Sechindra is a quantitative social scientist with policy-facing research on the political economy and distributional effects of climate adaptation in rural households. While his research is centered around agricultural development in South Asia, he also works across diverse resource systems in the U.S. and Europe, including pastoral, water, and energy systems. His work finds coherence through the common governance challenges and policy solutions that emerge across these different landscapes and geographical contexts.

  • Institutions
  • Resilience of Complex Systems
  • Collective Action and the Commons
  • PhD in Sustainability, 2019

    Arizona Sate University

  • M.S. Environmental Studies & Natural Resource Management, 2014

    TERI School of Advanced Studies

  • B.S. Mechanical Engineering, 2010

    Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University