John M. Anderies
- Balancing Effectiveness and Equity in Sustainable Water Management Transitions: Case of the Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department
- Identifying Conditions that Support the Provision of High-Quality and Affordable Urban Drinking Water in the US
- The long-term expansion and recession of human populations
- Institutional Dynamics Impact the Response of Urban Socio‐Hydrologic Systems to Supply Challenges
- Institutional Change of Farmer-Managed Irrigation Systems: Experience from Nepal
- Environmental change and ecosystem functioning drive transitions in social-ecological systems: A stylized modelling approach
- Hunter-Gatherer Population Expansion and Intensification: Malthusian and Boserupian Dynamics
- Hunter-gatherer Population Expansion and Intensification: Malthusian and Boserupian Dynamics
- Conservation of Fragility and the Collapse of Social Orders
- Infrastructure and the Energy Use of Human Polities
- A framework for conceptualizing and modeling social-ecological systems for conservation research
- Harnessing the benefits of diversity to address socio-environmental governance challenges
- Sustainability transitions in urban water management
- Conceptualizing World-Earth System resilience: Exploring transformation pathways towards a safe and just operating space for humanity
- Resilience-performance trade-offs in managing social-ecological systems
- Understanding the effects of institutional diversity on irrigation systems dynamics
- Radiocarbon data may support a Malthus-Boserup model of hunter-gatherer population expansion
- Assessing sustainability through the Institutional Grammar of urban water systems
- Dynamical systems modelling
- Locusts and People: Integrating the Social Sciences in Sustainable Locust Management
- Long-term transients help explain regime shifts in consumer-renewable resource systems
- Drivers of compliance monitoring in forest commons
- Lessons learned from synthetic research projects based on the Ostrom Workshop frameworks
- Sustaining Coupled Irrigation Infrastructures: Multiple Instruments for Multiple Dilemmas
- How do resource mobility and group size affect institutional arrangements for rule enforcement? A qualitative comparative analysis of fishing groups in South Korea
- Modeling interdependent water uses at the regional scale to engage stakeholders and enhance resilience in Central Arizona
- The global ecology of human population density and interpreting changes in paleo-population density
- Exploring non-linear transition pathways in social-ecological systems
- The emergence and resilience of self-organized governance in coupled infrastructure systems
- Transfers of vulnerability through adaptation plan implementation: an analysis based on networks of feedback control loops
- Highways as coupled infrastructure systems: an integrated approach to address sustainability challenges
- A more dynamic understanding of human behaviour for the Anthropocene
- Sustainable landscapes and landscape sustainability: A tale of two concepts
- Refining the Robustness of Social-Ecological Systems Framework for comparative analysis of coastal system adaptation to global change
- Governance principles for robust and resilient coastal systems in the face of global change
- Should I stay or should I go? The emergence of partitioned land use among human foragers
- Empathy, place and identity interactions for sustainability
- Potential feedbacks between loss of biosphere integrity and climate change
- Resilience in social-ecological systems: identifying stable and unstable equilibria with agent-based models
- A Conceptual Framework for Heuristic Progress in Exploring Management Regime Shifts in Biodiversity Conservation and Climate Change Adaptation of Coastal Areas
- How Does Knowledge Infrastructure Mobilization Influence the Safe Operating Space of Regulated Exploited Ecosystems?
- Linking resilience and robustness and uncovering their trade-offs in coupled infrastructure systems
- Synchronization of energy consumption by human societies throughout the Holocene
- Knowledge infrastructure and safe operating spaces in social–ecological systems
- The role of stakeholder perceptions and institutions for marine reserve efficacy in the Midriff Islands Region, Gulf of California, Mexico
- Analytically tractable climate–carbon cycle feedbacks under 21st century anthropogenic forcing
- Adaptive pathways and coupled infrastructure: seven centuries of adaptation to water risk and the production of vulnerability in Mexico City
- How Robust is Your System Resilience?
- Analytically tractable climate-carbon cycle feedbacks under 21st century anthropogenic forcing
- Strategic behaviors and governance challenges in social‐ecological systems
- Diversity, Reciprocity, and the Emergence of Equity-Inequity Tradeoffs
- On our rapidly shrinking capacity to comply with the planetary boundaries on climate change
- Fragility of the provision of local public goods to private and collective risks
- Food security in the face of climate change: Adaptive capacity of small-scale social-ecological systems to environmental variability
- Institutions and the performance of coupled infrastructure systems
- Learning for resilience-based management: Generating hypotheses from a behavioral study
- Toward a theory of non-linear transitions from foraging to farming
- Managing variance: Key policy challenges for the Anthropocene
- Effect of infrastructure design on commons dilemmas in social-ecological system dynamics
- The effect of information in a behavioral irrigation experiment
- The socioecology of hunter–gatherer territory size
- How Does a Divided Population Respond to Change?
- Cognitive and institutional influences on farmers’ adaptive capacity: insights into barriers and opportunities for transformative change in central Arizona
- Introduction to Focus Issue: Nonlinear Dynamics for Planet Earth
- Principle 4 – Foster complex adaptive systems thinking
- Reflections on building resilience – interactions among principles and implications for governance
- A comparative ethnoarchaeological analysis of corporate territorial ownership
- Social roles and performance of social-ecological systems: evidence from behavioral lab experiments
- Wilderness Preserves Still Relevant and Resilient After All These Years
- Understanding the Dynamics of Sustainable Social-Ecological Systems: Human Behavior, Institutions, and Regulatory Feedback Networks
- Wall, Derek (2014). The Sustainable Economics of Elinor Ostrom: Commons, contestation and craft. New York and London: Routledge
- Transdisciplinary graduate education in marine resource science and management
- Crop Specialization, Exchange and Robustness in a Semi-arid Environment
- Transformation of resource management institutions under globalization: the case of songgye community forests in South Korea.
- Weak feedbacks, governance mismatches, and the robustness of social-ecological systems: an analysis of the Southwest Nova Scotia lobster fishery with comparison to Maine
- Embedding built environments in social–ecological systems: resilience-based design principles
- Environmental variability and collective action: Experimental insights from an irrigation game
- Robustness of Social‐Ecological Systems: Implications for Public Policy
- Aligning Key Concepts for Global Change Policy: Robustness, Resilience, and Sustainability
- Elinor Ostrom (1933-2012): Pioneer in the Interdisciplinary Science of Coupled Social-Ecological Systems
- Intensification, Tipping Points, and Social Change in a Coupled Forager-Resource System
- Critical transition between cohesive and population-dividing responses to change
- An Uncommon Scholar of the Commons
- Modeling Human Ecodynamics and Biocultural Interactions in the Late Pleistocene of Western Eurasia
- The fragility of robust social-ecological systems
- Governing the commons: Learning from field and laboratory experiments
- Head-enders as stationary bandits in asymmetric commons: Comparing irrigation experiments in the laboratory and the field
- The challenge of understanding decisions in experimental studies of common pool resource governance
- Coordination and cooperation in asymmetric commons dilemmas
- Robustness and Resilience across Scales: Migration and Resource Degradation in the Prehistoric U.S. Southwest
- Synthesis: Vulnerability, Traps, and Transformations; Long-term Perspectives from Archaeology
- Invasion, Competition, and Biodiversity Loss in Urban Ecosystems
- Robustness, vulnerability, and adaptive capacity in small-scale social-ecological systems: The Pumpa Irrigation System in Nepal
- The Cross-scale Interplay between Social and Biophysical Context and the Vulnerability of Irrigation-dependent Societies: Archaeology’s Long-term Perspective
- Resilience, Adaptability, and Transformability in the Goulburn-Broken Catchment, Australia
- Analyzing the Impact of Agave Cultivation on Famine Risk in Arid Pre-Hispanic Northern Mexico
- Going beyond panaceas
- Panaceas, uncertainty, and the robust control framework in sustainability science
- Living in the city: Resource availability, predation, and bird population dynamics in urban areas
- Robustness of Social-Ecological Systems to Spatial and Temporal Variability
- Loss of Resilience, Crisis, and Institutional Change: Lessons from an Intensive Agricultural System in Southeastern Australia
- Collapse and Reorganization in Social-Ecological Systems: Questions, Some Ideas, and Policy Implications
- Exploring Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems Through Comparative Studies and Theory Development: Introduction to the Special Issue
- Fifteen Weddings and a Funeral: Case Studies and Resilience-based Management
- Governance and the Capacity to Manage Resilience in Regional Social-Ecological Systems
- Toward a Network Perspective of the Study of Resilience in Social-Ecological Systems
- Minimal models and agroecological policy at the regional scale: An application to salinity problems in southeastern Australia
- A Framework to Analyze the Robustness of Social-ecological Systems from an Institutional Perspective
- The effect of subsistence on collapse and institutional adaptation in population–resource societies
- Economic development, demographics, and renewable resources: a dynamical systems approach
- G. Gigerenzer, P. M. Todd, and the ABC Research Group. 2000. Simple Heuristics That Make Us Smart. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
- Grazing Management, Resilience, and the Dynamics of a Fire-driven Rangeland System
- Resilience Management in Social-ecological Systems: a Working Hypothesis for a Participatory Approach
- Hidden costs and disparate uncertainties: trade-offs in approaches to climate policy
- On modeling human behavior and institutions in simple ecological economic systems
- Fluctuating Environments and Phytoplankton Community Structure: A Stochastic Model
- Culture and Human Agro-ecosystem Dynamics: the Tsembaga of New Guinea
- An adaptive model for predicting !Kung reproductive performance: A stochastic dynamic programming approach