Jacob Freeman

Jacob Freeman

Associate Professor of Anthropology

Utah State University

Jacob builds and evaluates models to study the long-term drivers of innovation, human population growth, and why some groups govern shared resources more effectively than others in the face of stress. Studying both contemporary and past societies, his work contributes to understanding the general factors that increase the robustness of human societies faced with uncertainty generated by climate change, migration, and other global change processes. Currently, Jacob is an Associate Professor and the Program Director of Anthropology at Utah State University.

  • Innovation and Population Dynamics
  • Institutions
  • Robustness-fragility tradeoffs in Complex Systems
  • Cognition, stress, and collective action
  • PhD in Anthropology, 2009-2014

    Arizona Sate University

  • MA in Anthropology, 2005-2007

    University of Texas at San Antonio

  • BS in Sociology and Anthropology, 2000-2004

    Truman State University